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The welcome

The school is a place where people meet and grow: children, families, teachers.

Our educational project is linked to the identity of a Catholic-Christian structure.

Our school proposes itself as a place of integral formation of the person for the benefit of all children without discrimination.

And it is precisely on the centrality of the person that our educational and didactic choices depend.

Experiential Methodology

In fact, the educational team has chosen and shares the Experiential Methodology as a tool for planning and organizing educational and teaching activities

The idea

is to modulate training proposals aimed at becoming aware of oneself, of others and of the reality that surrounds us.



Traveling around the world

The purpose of the Nursery School is to educate children with respect and appreciation for different educational styles, abilities, and identity differences of each individual.

This project aims to develop a sense of belonging to one's own culture, making it part of a social reality that includes other identities, different from one's own, but enriching and stimulating in comparison and growth.

Through an imaginary journey, we will accompany the children in the discovery of the five continents: they will learn about the social culture, traditions, nature, and landscapes of these continents.

With the simple knowledge of the world, children will be helped to discover human values such as brotherhood, fraternity, and equality, in order to build together the true unity of peoples


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Catholic religion

Religious education is part of the educational and didactic path of the Kindergarten, which is particularly concerned with the growth and development of children's personalities. Catholic Religion activities offer opportunities for the training of new generations and for their maturation, promoting a deep reflection on their experiences in order to provide an adequate response to their questions. Throughout the school year, children will be helped to become aware of themselves and the world around them through the discovery of the gifts they receive daily.


I'll tell you a story

The parables that Jesus told children.


Jesus' parables are simple and engaging stories that convey profound moral and spiritual teachings. They can be used as effective educational tools to introduce kindergarten children to values of respect, love, and sharing.

Through stories close to their own experiences, children can develop a first understanding of the figure of Jesus and his teachings.
The project aims to introduce children to Jesus' parables, fostering reflection on fundamental Christian values such as love, compassion, and forgiveness, adapting them to their daily reality.

The goal is to promote the emotional and social development of children through storytelling, play, and art, and to create a learning environment that encourages moral and spiritual growth.


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We learn to think by playing

Cooding project

This path involves 5 year old children.

The aim of the experience is to accompany children in the discovery of computational thinking, that is, to ensure that they can learn to think by playing to find solutions to various problems.

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Children aged 3-4-5 years are involved.

The laboratory is led by Dr. Ilaria Papis (Psychomotricist).

The proposed activities are based on spontaneous play, as the child bases his discoveries and knowledge on action and movement.

Thanks to the expressiveness of the game and non-verbal language, he is given the opportunity to learn about himself, the space, but above all he is offered the opportunity to have a stimulating and enriching group educational experience.
During the course, in addition to spontaneous experiments with the game, motor activities with specific objectives will be proposed starting from the needs of the group, in order to create a climate of well-being, trust and safety.
In fact, the child, not being judged for what he does and how he acts, feels respected in his times and understood in his way of expressing himself and being.
Psychomotor play also promotes the transition from the pleasure of acting to the pleasure of thinking, thanks to the verbal reworking of experiences, an opportunity to express one's experience and share it with others and with adults.

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Children aged 3-4-5 are involved.
Children aged 3 to 5 have a natural predisposition for the English language.
During this journey, each child will become familiar with the new language through images, music, experiential and motor activities; this to help the child approach the English language in a dynamic and stimulating context, but also to recognize their own body as a tool for understanding the world.
Finally, the re-elaboration that will be done using always different materials will help promote active learning in a playful context and stimulate imagination and creativity.
This year I will focus on clothing and the animals that populate our planet. Through various graphic proposals, different painting techniques, children will become familiar with the English language.

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I play and I learn

A project born from the need to improve spatial orientation, eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.
The proposed methodology is preparatory to becoming familiar with the tools and materials that will be used daily in the first class of primary school.

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Children as young as 5 years old will be involved.

The workshop will be led by the Commander of the Montano Brigade Lucino Milko Tagliabue .
The motivation behind a road education project in nursery schools is to encourage children to acquire adequate and safe behavior on the road. The internalization of some rules from early childhood takes on a fundamental meaning in the child's growth path as a future citizen and as an aware and responsible user of the road system.

Children will be encouraged to understand the rules of the road and will experience them. The laboratory will be divided into two parts: theoretical and practical.

A road route with signs will be created inside the school courtyard which will allow them to translate what they have learned "in the field".

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The workshop is conducted by experts from the children's area of WWF, and an outing in the territory will be proposed in the month of May.
Children will immerse themselves in nature using the 4 senses:
•    with SIGHT they will observe everything around us, plants, flowers, animals;
•    with HEARING they will listen to the sounds of nature, rustling of leaves, birdsong;
•    with SMELL they will perceive the scent of woodland flowers, breathe the beneficial essences emitted by plants;
•    with TOUCH they will feel the tree barks, the leaf veins; in the end, they will transform into trees.

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Augmentative Alternative Communication


AAC is the whole set of strategies, tools and techniques implemented in clinical and domestic settings (school) to guarantee communication to people who cannot express themselves verbally.
AAC does not aim to replace verbal language: on the contrary, as it is augmentative, AAC provides for the simultaneous presence of an alternative tool and standard oral verbal language, which accompanies the symbol visually and orally, through the support of the communicative partner who pronounce aloud.

The symbol then becomes an alternative support that accompanies the incoming oral verbal stimulus, and, if the possibilities exist, accompanies and does not inhibit the outgoing verbal production. Consequently, Augmentative Communication does not inhibit the possible emergence of verbal language, but on the contrary aims to enhance it.

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Strengthening the prerequisites for primary school in nursery school

Metaphonology is a metalinguistic knowledge that allows the child to distinguish and operate with the syllables and phonemes that make up the Italian language.

Good metaphonological skills and good training on mathematical prerequisites are essential for future school learning and to reduce the risk of any future school difficulties.

The project involves the holding of a laboratory to strengthen tests in primary school, aimed at all children in the last year of nursery school, subject to parental authorization.

By clicking on the button below you can watch a short video presentation by the speech therapist Dr. Cristina Pagani.





Children aged 3-4-5 are involved

The workshop will be conducted by music teacher DAVID CILLI of the Musical Association "FIND THE TIME" in APPIANO GENTILE.

Through stories, songs, fantastic characters, fairy tales, and folk songs from around the world, children will have the opportunity to experience their own musicality.
The use of the body is very important in the child's experimentation process. The main purpose is to allow the child to "make" music using the means that are already available to them and to make music one of the elements of their overall personal development and expressiveness.


Sewing Workshop


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5-year-old children are involved

The sewing workshop designed specifically for young creatives will be the place where children can explore the world of sewing through simple and fun activities. Using safe materials suitable for their age, such as plastic needles and colored felt, they will learn to create small projects like animal shapes, hearts, or little flowers to decorate.
This workshop is designed to promote children's motor development in a playful and creative context. & nbsp;

All materials are safe and suitable for their age. The children will be guided step by step by teachers and two "seamstresses" to ensure safety and fun.

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