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mensa scolastica


Lunch time is a highly educational moment in nursery school.
All dishes are freshly prepared by our internal canteen , whose weekly menu is prepared by the AST Insubria dietician.
In addition to lunch, there is a morning snack and, for those who use extended hours, an afternoon snack.
In case of intolerances or allergies of the child, a certificate issued to the competent local health authority must be produced.

The weekly menu is also displayed on the School noticeboard and varies from the winter to the summer seasons.
Note: the menu may undergo occasional changes which will be communicated on the noticeboard, always in line with what is established by the ASL, based on the availability of raw materials.

Birthdays are celebrated ON WEDNESDAYS ONLY and for the occasion the cook will prepare a cake for all the children.

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Our menus

Discover now the seasonal menus specially prepared for the well-being of our children